The Economic Tightrope: Mastering Monetary and Fiscal Policy

The economy is like a tightrope walker, balancing carefully to avoid a fall. Governments and central banks act as skilled performers, using monetary and fiscal policies to maintain stability. But what exactly are these policies, and how do they impact your daily life? Let’s unravel the complexities. Monetary Policy: The Central Bank’s Steering Wheel Imagine…

Trump’s Tariff War: What’s at Stake for India’s Steel and Aluminium Industry?

  U.S. President Donald Trump’s recent announcement of a 25% tariff on steel and 10% on aluminium imports has sent shockwaves through global markets. While India’s direct exports to the U.S. are limited, the ripple effects could disrupt the Indian metal industry in unexpected ways. Here’s a look at what’s at stake for India—explained in…

Budget 2025-26: A Game Changer for the Middle Class and Economy

Budget 2025-26: A Game Changer for the Middle Class and Economy

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman presented the Union Budget for the fiscal year 2025-26, introducing a series of measures aimed at stimulating economic growth, providing tax relief to the middle class, and bolstering various sectors. Here’s a comprehensive overview of the key highlights: Income Tax Reforms: Increased Tax Exemption Limit: The income tax exemption threshold has…

India’s Economic Growth Forecast: EY Predicts 6.5% GDP Growth for FY25 and FY26

India’s Economic Growth Forecast: EY Predicts 6.5% GDP Growth for FY25 and FY26

    India’s Economic Growth Outlook: Projections, Challenges, and Opportunities for FY25 and FY26 India’s economy continues to remain a beacon of growth amid global uncertainties. Various reputed institutions, including EY, IMF, World Bank, and RBI, have projected India’s GDP growth to hover around 6.5% for the fiscal years 2024-25 (FY25) and 2025-26 (FY26). While…

नवंबर 2024 में महंगाई में मामूली गिरावट , लेकिन ज़रूरी चीज़ों की कीमतों का दबाव जारी

नवंबर 2024 में महंगाई में मामूली गिरावट , लेकिन ज़रूरी चीज़ों की कीमतों का दबाव जारी

भारत की खुदरा महंगाई दर (Retail Inflation Rate in November 2024) भारत की खुदरा महंगाई दर (Retail Inflation Rate) में नवंबर में मामूली गिरावट दर्ज की गई है लेकिन अक्टूबर में यह 6.21% थी, जो घटकर नवंबर में 5.48% पर आ गई है। हालांकि, यह 14 महीने के उच्चतम स्तर से राहत देती है, लेकिन…

Key Components of Economics: A Comprehensive Guide – Demand & Supply

Key Components of Economics: A Comprehensive Guide – Demand & Supply

Key Components of Economics: A Comprehensive Guide  By Shahid Siddiqui  Version : 1.1 – 11/12/2024 Economics :- The term “economic” relates to the study or system of production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. It can refer to various aspects, such as: Economic Systems: Capitalism, socialism, mixed economies. Economic Policies: Fiscal policy, monetary policy,…

भारत में बेरोज़गारी: एक बड़ी चुनौती

भारत में बेरोज़गारी: एक बड़ी चुनौती

भारत में बेरोज़गारी: एक बड़ी चुनौती भारत, जो दुनिया के सबसे अधिक जनसंख्या वाले देशों में से एक है, आज बेरोज़गारी जैसे गंभीर मुद्दे से जूझ रहा है। यह समस्या न केवल आर्थिक विकास को बाधित करती है बल्कि सामाजिक असमानता को भी बढ़ावा देती है। विविध और विशाल कार्यबल के बावजूद, बेरोज़गारी दर में…

Market Structure in Economics

Market Structure in Economics

Economists classify a market into one of four structures: Perfect Competition, Monopolistic Competition Oligopoly Monopoly  Perfect competition :-  Perfect Competition refers to a market structure where there are a large number of sellers and buyers, and each seller offers a homogeneous (identical) product. In this type of market, no single seller or buyer can influence…

India’s Debt Burden

India’s Debt Burden Meaning of Debt Burden:- In Simple word, Debt Burden is the cost of debt repayment. A debt burden is a large amount of money that one country or organization owes to another and which they find very difficult to repay.According to Cambridge Dictionary, debt burden means the amount of debt owed by…