Annuities & Perpetuities: Understanding cash flow streams


A financial analyst is evaluating an investment that provides the following cash flows:

  1. A deferred annuity that pays ₹15,000 per year for 10 years, starting at the end of Year 7.
  2. A growing annuity that pays ₹8,000 in Year 1, growing at 5% per year for 6 years.
  3. A perpetuity with a delay, paying ₹12,000 annually, starting at the end of Year 10.

If the discount rate is 9% per annum, calculate the present value of these cash flows today (Year 0).


A) ₹2,55,380
B) ₹2,71,890
C) ₹2,89,760
D) ₹3,05,210

Author Asked question 20 hours ago
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