Market Structure in Economics
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Market Structure in Economics

Economists classify a market into one of four structures: Perfect Competition, Monopolistic Competition Oligopoly Monopoly  Perfect competition :-  Perfect Competition refers to a market structure where there are a large number of sellers and buyers, and each seller offers a homogeneous (identical) product. In this type of market, no single seller or buyer can influence…

Key Components of Economics: A Comprehensive Guide – Full book
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Key Components of Economics: A Comprehensive Guide – Full book

Concept of Equilibrium ➖ Equilibrium in economics refers to a state where market forces—specifically demand and supply—are balanced, meaning the quantity of a good or service demanded by consumers is equal to the quantity supplied by producers at a given price. This results in a stable situation where there is no inherent tendency for change,…

Financial Management for small business

Financial Management for Small Business By: Shahid Siddiqui ———————————————————————————————– Chapter Overview: Introduction to Financial Management Setting Up Your Financial System Bookkeeping Essentials Managing Payables and Receivables Effective Loan Management Budgeting and Forecasting Financial Statements and Analysis Compliance and Regulatory Requirements Cash Flow Management Risk Management and Insurance Tax Planning and Management Technology in Financial Management…

India’s Debt Burden

India’s Debt Burden Meaning of Debt Burden:- In Simple word, Debt Burden is the cost of debt repayment. A debt burden is a large amount of money that one country or organization owes to another and which they find very difficult to repay.According to Cambridge Dictionary, debt burden means the amount of debt owed by…